Throughout my pregnancy, I had no idea what PUPPP rash was. When I got to 35 wks of my pregnancy, I started to get very minor itching around my belly. I figured it was normal due to my skin stretching and I continued to use my lotions and body washes that are targeted to pregnant women. Despite my usual routine, I was getting more itchy and I realized I was scratching at my belly unconsciously at night.

At my 36th wk prenatal appointment my midwife suggested I try pine tar soap, aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and an oatmeal bath. I made some Target and Amazon purchases and tried these items out, but they weren’t bringing any long term relief for me. At my 37 wk appointment, the itchiness had spread to my feet. Again, I just thought it was a normal rash due to my swelled feet, the heat, and my history of eczema. My midwife didn’t have much else to offer except for me to reach out if it got unbearable to explore a steroid topical cream.

The next day the rash now was on my arms, behind my knees, and around my buttocks area. I was now also losing sleep due to the itchiness. When I went to work that Monday, I couldn’t focus at all and was so miserable and tired. I came home and bawled my eyes out to my husband. The next day I stayed home from work and called my midwife who got me in that same day and told me it was PUPPP rash and prescribed me a steroid topical cream.

There’s not a whole ton of research about PUPPP rash. It’s a condition that typically occurs in the 3rd trimester and there are theories that it’s related to hormones, damaged connective tissue, or possibly something to do with the liver. Course of treatment - have your baby and use a steroid topical cream to alleviate the itchiness 😔

I started to do my own research, searching up other mothers who have gone through PUPPP rash. I’ve finally found some products and made some diet changes that have given me reprieve. I’m currently 39 wks now and I still get itchy, but my rashes are way more tolerable and under control. I’ll share on my next posts what products I’m using and diet changes that I’ve made that have helped with my PUPPP rash.

If you’re struggling with PUPPP rash, I am here for you 💕 It’s miserable, I know. You will find reprieve and this will pass 🌻

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