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I Give You My Heart: A True Story of Courage and Survival

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An unlikely friendship between two couples leads to one of the most remarkable acts of selfless sacrifice when the Nazis invade their country. A teenage girl, guilty only of being Jewish, is saved from the fate that awaits her family and hidden by her parents' Catholic friends - who pay the ultimate price for their bravery. So much was risked and so much lost but the legacy of their courage and trust lives on through the surviving generations. Now, at last, their story can be told...

346 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2022

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About the author

Wendy Holden

35 books193 followers
Wendy Holden, also known as Taylor Holden, is an experienced author and novelist with more than thirty books already published, including two novels. She has had numerous works transferred to radio and television.

A journalist for eighteen years, ten on the Daily Telegraph of London, her first novel THE SENSE OF PAPER was published by Random House, New York, in 2006 to widespread critical acclaim. Her non-fiction titles have chiefly chronicled the lives of remarkable subjects. The latest is BORN SURVIVORS, the incredible story of three mothers who defied death at the hands of the Nazis to give life. She has also written the memoir of the only woman in the French Foreign Legion in TOMORROW TO BE BRAVE, and about the mother of a woman killed after marrying a Sudanese warlord in TILL THE SUN GROWS COLD. She wrote A LOTUS GROWS IN THE MUD - the memoir of actress Goldie Hawn - and LADY BLUE EYES, the autobiography of Frank Sinatra’s widow Barbara, all of which were New York Times and Sunday Times bestsellers.

She also wrote the international bestseller TEN MINDFUL MINUTES, her second book with Goldie Hawn and the first in a series of books for parents and children. She wrote KILL SWITCH, the memoir of an honourable British soldier wrongly imprisoned in Afghanistan as well as BEHIND ENEMY LINES, about a young Jewish spy who repeatedly crossed German lines. Her book MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS, a biography of Dean Martin as seen through his daughter’s eyes has become an enduring bestseller and she worked with Billy Connolly on JOURNEY TO THE EDGE OF THE WORLD his TV-companion travel guide to the Northwest Passage screened around the world. She co-wrote American male supermodel Bruce Hulse’s explosive memoir, SEX, LOVE AND FASHION. Other works have included CENTRAL 822, the autobiography of a pioneering policewoman at Scotland Yard which was dramatised on BBC Radio, BITING THE BULLET, charting the remarkable life of an SAS wife, and FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW, the story of a paraplegic made into a British TV drama starring Caroline Quentin. Wendy was also responsible for the bestselling novelisations of the films THE FULL MONTY and WAKING NED. Her first book, UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE the true story of the controversial Irish abortion case was banned in Ireland. SHELL SHOCK, her history of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, went with an award-winning Channel 4 television documentary series. She lives in Suffolk, England, with her husband and two dogs and divides her time between the UK and the US.

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Gali .
68 reviews88 followers
April 26, 2022
I finished this book in one sitting, just couldn’t stop reading it although it’s a heavy book and not easy to read - especially after knowing it’s based on a real story...

For some reason I haven’t read a lot of books with the topic of the Holocaust before. I’ve learned a lot about the subject in school, from people I’ve met etc. But this book showed me how much more there’s to tell about that time and more stories to be heard.

I really liked how the author, Wendy, told the story of Ella and Zula's story. It was very detailed but still easy to follow and remember. I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to hear another story from the time of the Holocaust and it’s a perfect book for those who’s looking for a book to read on the Holocaust Memorial Day happening this Thursday.

Thank you to Amsterdam Publishers for sending me an arc of this book :)
Profile Image for Jenn (burlingtonbiblio).
251 reviews11 followers
March 30, 2022
Book Review
I Give You My Heart by Wendy Holden

Historical fiction is a controversial genre. Its authors often teeter on the edge of fact vs fiction, memoir vs biography.

It takes courage to trust an author with your experiences and life history in hopes that they are able to capture a small part of what actually happened.

Inevitably decisions have to be made… how Much to share, how accurate the story, how much leeway, artist license or expression? Is this a story based on fact or a factual story retold….
Is it fact or fiction.

This book is factual.
The people depicted in its pages are
If you read the acknowledgements and appendices at the end of the book, Holden shares how this book came to be.
How she met these incredible survivors.
How she strived to maintain the authenticity of their story.
Their sacrifice is real.
Their heartache is real.

My thanks to Holden for writing this book. I am grateful and humbled by these amazingly strong women who sacrificed everything…..
For eachother.

Thank you @amsterdam_publishing for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review
April 4, 2024


"Jediný dar, ktorý ti venujem: 

Nech ťa moja pieseň ukolíše - darujem ti svoje srdce - to jediné, čo mám."

Moja úplne prvá kniha s vojnovou tematikou. Už dávno som plánovala vyskúšať tento žáner. Vedela som, že to nebude ľahké čítanie. Každý z nás pozná históriu, vieme čo všetko sa stalo v druhej svetovej vojne (preto to ani nebudem rozoberať).

" Kniha je vlastne akýmsi vyznaním lásky adresovaným Zule a Elle - dvom ženám, ktoré nedovolili, aby ich čokoľvek rozdelilo či zničila temnota ich doby."

Sme v Poľsku, kniha nám ukáže aký bol život pred, počas a po vojne. Je to krásne napísaná pamiatka dvom silným ženám. 

Príbeh nám ukáže aké neľudské podmienky mali Židia, ako bojovali o život, ani nie zo dňa na deň, ale z minúty na minútu.

"Ešte sa svet ani poriadne nedozvedel, že vypukla vojna, a my sme už rátali prvé obete."

Zula bola pre mňa ako skala. Cieľovedomá a silná žena, ktorá, spolu so svojím manželom, riskovala vlastný život, aby pomohla svojmu ľudu. Takto sa k nej dostala aj Ella. Mladé dievča, ktoré rodičia poslali k nej, aby ju zachránili z varšavského geta. 

"Boli ako rozbúrená ľudská rieka."

Ella nemala na výber, musela opustiť svoju rodinu, ale našla si svoju druhú rodinu u Zuly. Vojna ich spojila na celý život. Boli ako matka a dcéra. 

"bojovať za lepší život znevýhodnených"

Aj keď stratili všetko a po vojne sa ich životy rozdelili našli si k sebe znova cestu a po rokoch sa znova stretli.

Pri čítaní som potrebovala trošku viac času než zvyčajne, aby ma pohltil dej. Páčilo sa mi, že tam boli aj ich fotografie. Pri častiach, kde boli opísané všetky tie mučiace spôsoby a krutosti som viackrát "zamrzla". Musela som si dať pauzu od čítania, aby som v sebe vedela všetko spracovať.

Tento príbeh je o sile k národu a hlavne k rodine. Že existujú ľudia, ako bola Zula, ktorá aj vtedy keď ju mučili myslela na ľudí na ktorých jej záleží. 

"A to ešte nikto nevedel, že Hitler svojim mužom výslovne prikázal, aby v Poľsku konali nemilosrdne a bez súcitu."

Zula a Ella patrili medzi Židov, ktorí prežili vojnu a všetko to zlo čo so sebou vojna prináša. Silný príbeh o spolupatričnosti, obetavosti a láske. 

Kniha je zostavená zo spomienok rodín, ich detí, ktoré chceli, aby sa svet dozvedel o týchto dvoch fantastických ženách.
March 2, 2022
You must read this riveting book! I could not put it down and read it in less than a day. A true story of sacrifice during the most horrific time in history. This is a Holocaust story that must be read. If you like to read history and stories of strong women, then this is the book to be read.
May 5, 2022
I always find stories of human resilience enthralling. This non-fiction account of Ella Zlotnik, a young Jewish girl, who is hidden by her parent's Catholic friends was compelling. Ella was living in the Warsaw ghetto with her parents, when they requested that their friend, Zula Pienkiewicz, smuggle Ella out and hide her. Zula does so at great risk to herself and her own family. Generous Zula makes Ella feel like part of the family. As they both endure losses from the war, this bond proves to be unbreakable and inspiring.

As much as I've read about WW2, I still find something new about this period in history. For example, there is an explanation of the ration card system. The Reich based allotments on racial origin. German citizens were allowed 2,613 calories a day, non-Germans, such as Poles were allowed 669 calories. Non-Aryans and Jews were allowed just 184 calories, which was about 3 slices of bread. This despicable plan would accelerate the death of the most vulnerable and weaken the healthy. I really appreciate the author including enlightening research such as this.

The author wrote this book with the assistance of Ella's daughter, Anita. For non-fiction, the writing is engaging and keeps your attention. The family photos included, enhance the story of these courageous women who survived and rebuilt their lives after losing everything. And this account highlights the similarities we see between our time and the events 85 years ago.

I received a gifted copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Courtney Shapiro.
914 reviews41 followers
April 20, 2022
Thank you to Amsterdam Publishers for sending me a copy of this book. I Give You My Heart is a true story about survival and friendship during the Holocaust. While heartbreaking, this book also provided a deep look into what it means to be compassionate and loving. Wendy Holden told this story after being invited to write it from Ella's daughter and she told it beautifully. There were also first person memories from Ella and her "sisters" that she lived with during the war time. I've read a mix of Holocaust fiction and non-fiction in my life, but never have I read an account where a Jewish person survives, yet hadn't endured the concentration camp. That isn't to say that Ella didn't face a life of struggle because that isn't the case; she had to hide herself, she lost her family and essentially reshaped her entire identity as a young woman. Wendy put so much detail and thought into properly telling Ella and Zula's story. This book is heavy especially with it being a true story, but I can't help feeling so touched and loved by these two women. This is truly the definition of found family and I feel blessed to know the bravery and courage Zula, Ella and their families faced throughout their lives.
March 27, 2022
Books like this should be required reading. I learned so much, through the telling of this story. It makes history come alive to read the lived experiences of others, and this book is masterfully researched and written to give a personal face to the events. It is a beautiful story full of love and tragedy, loss and triumph in a country that became a battlefield. With current events it becomes even more important and poignant.
Profile Image for Iris.
123 reviews7 followers
May 4, 2022
I Give You My Heart
Author: Wendy Holden

Today is the Dutch Memorial day. At 8pm tonight two minutes of silence will be observed to commemorate all war victims. Amsterdam Publishers asked me to review i Give You My Hearth wich is a Historical fiction/Holocaust/Biography/Non fiction book. With the memorial day in mind I want to share my review of this book today.

In Give You My Hearth the author Wendy Holden describes the story of two woman named Ella and Zula during the horrific holocaust.

The beautiful memories that the women experience together are described in great detail, but also their pain and grief. What really touched me was that this book contains real photos of the women themselves and also pictures of the other people that are mentioned in this book. While looking at the pictures i could feel the emotions flooding across the pages.

I want to thank the author for giving the war victims mentioned in this book names so that their horrific war experiences would never be forgotten.

This book is very suitable for educational purposes. It made me think of Anne Frank her diary. I hope that this book will become widely known within its genre.

I want to thank the thank amsterdam publishers for the complimentary copy.
Profile Image for Karen.
555 reviews7 followers
May 21, 2022
During Hitler’s invasion of Poland, a Jewish mother makes a desperate plea to a Catholic mother - “Save my child!”

My thoughts:
I Give You My Heart is a true story of love, loss, courage, and sacrifice told against the backdrop of one of the most horrific periods in history. This story was a compelling read that drew me in from the beginning and kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next! The courage and self sacrifice shown by so many should never be forgotten. You will definitely want to read this book if you enjoy reading about this time period.

A Brief Synopsis:
An unlikely friendship between two couples leads to one of the most remarkable acts of selfless sacrifice when the Nazis invade their country. A teenage girl, guilty only of being Jewish, is saved from the fate that awaits her family and hidden by her parents’ Catholic friends – who pay the ultimate price for their bravery. So much was risked and so much lost but the legacy of their courage and trust lives on through the surviving generations. Now, at last, their story can be told…

My thanks to Amsterdam Publishing for my gifted copy My thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Eva Francova.
788 reviews17 followers
January 7, 2024
Příběh o odvaze a dobrých lidech. V roce 1941 žije Ella ve varšavském ghettu. Díky manželům, kteří jsou zapojeni v odboji, se jí podaří utéct a Zula se rozhodne, že Ellu přijme do rodiny. Nějakou dobu jim to prochází, ale ne všichni lidé kolem jsou čestní…

Jelikož mám ráda skutečné příběhy z druhé světové války a autorčina předchozí kniha – Narodili si, aby přežili – byla skvělá, nemohla jsem si tuto knihu nechat ujít. Je to historie, na kterou by se nemělo zapomínat, a navíc je popsána očima běžných lidí.

Ač jsem již četla spoustu knih na toto téma, nikdy mě nepřestane udivovat krutost, jaká byla během druhé světové války páchána. Bylo to smutné, kruté, ale dojemné čtení. Lidské osudy, které v tomto případě naštěstí dobře dopadly.

Je tu samotný příběh hlavních hrdinek Elly a Zuly, ale dozvíme se i to, jak postupovala válka, jaká byla nová nařízení a také, jak se v té době žilo v Polsku, například rozdíly mezi městem a venkovem.

Ze začátku se mi trochu pletla jména, poznáváme tu obě rodiny a já jsem se trošku ztrácela v tom, kdo je kdo. Poté však mě příběh pohltil, že jsem nemohla knížku odložit.
46 reviews3 followers
May 7, 2022
I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway. It is the true story of holocaust survivors. What an amazing recounting of a horrific event that brought a family together with a bond that lasted a lifetime. Reading it sucks you in and makes you feel the horrors of what they lived through. It shows the best and the worst of what humans are capable of. It definitely is a story that needs to be told and a story that needs to be heard.
213 reviews
October 20, 2022
A hard read for me

The beginning of the book was extremely slow for me due to so much background information. Based on the great reviews, I decided to press on. The stories of Ella and Zula were heartbreaking. Some of the interspersed history of cities etc. was unnecessary to their story and I had to force myself to read on. I'm glad I ready heir stories and was pleased to see they remained lifelong friends.
Profile Image for Karen.
689 reviews20 followers
December 24, 2022
Every single story in every memoir/personal history of the years of the Holocaust is devastatingly horrific. Every single story is different, different sets of circumstances and personalities and timing and luck and hope and despair. This book presents a magnificent story, beautifully written, that detailed the personal struggles of a Jewish girl (and her family), during the years of the Holocaust, and the ever-giving Polish family who saved her.
Profile Image for Karie jones.
2 reviews
May 22, 2022
I liked the book. I had difficulty getting into the book at first. I would say the barrier was my mood and not the fault of the story. I recommend this book. Just wait to read when you have limited interruptions and can handle strong feelings.
Profile Image for Christie step by step editing.
110 reviews5 followers
June 21, 2022
I actually finished this book at the end of March. As I read the last words of the final page I was at a loss.

The story follows two women during the occupation of Poland by the Nazis in World War II. It begins with the Nazis marching into their city on September 1, 1939.

It was a vivid and gut-wrenching read. The things these women faced. The danger. The sacrifice. This book is held deeply in my heart.

This extremely well-written book is about two real women. One was a teenager in a Jewish ghetto. The other was part of a resistance effort. Their paths cross and they are forever etched in the heart of the other.

Thank you to Amsterdam Publishers for sending me this book. It was an honor to read.
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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