Discover all museums in Nijmegen and find out about the things to see and to do, exhibitions, opening hours, prices and discounts in the list of all museums in Nijmegen, or apply filters and navigate through the map. For an overview of popular museums in Nijmegen, see our list of the best museums in Nijmegen.

Nijmegen is a city in the province of Gelderland located largely on the southern bank of the river Waal, near the border with Germany. Nijmegen is an ancient city with more than 2,000 years of history. The city has undergone a transformation from a Roman legion camp to a modern city.

Today, with the Radboud University, college and an academic hospital, Nijmegen is both a student city and a knowledge and health center.

From way back, it has had a rich and thriving cultural life. In the center is the Grote Markt, a square with several cafes. At the square stands, among other things, the national monument the Boterwaag and behind the square stands the Sint-Stevenskerk, the largest church in Nijmegen. Around the center are beautiful streets with 19th-century mansions.


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Museums in Nijmegen

This overview contains all museums in and around Nijmegen. Curious about which museums there are in Nijmegen? These are the museums:

Best museums in Nijmegen

Exhibitions in Nijmegen

This is a selection of exhibitions in Nijmegen. Are you looking for an overview of all exhibitions in Nijmegen? Then view our complete list of all exhibitions in Nijmegen.

All exhibitions in Nijmegen