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PUPPP rash?

Hi guys. I am only 23 weeks and have had intense itching over the past couple days, especially at night time ����I’ve looked up and my legs look similar to some online corresponding with a PUPP rash. If anyone has had it, did yours look like this? It did initially start on my stomach and then spread. My legs are the worst but there’s some on my stomach, my arms, my boobs. I am just so itchy. During the day it’s not a problem. Just wondering if I should call my OB to get a topical for it, there’s no way I can last 17 more weeks scratching like this every night. In the pictures the scabbed over ones are just areas where I’ve scratched enough for them to bleed �� they basically just look like miniature hives.

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Mine started around 25 weeks during my last pregnancy, just started off with a couple of bumps on my arms. Then I was itchy everywhere with rashes and bumps, but my legs were the worst. Got to the point where I couldn’t sleep and had to take Benadryl every night to help the itching and make me drowsy enough to sleep through the itching. It helped some, but it was pretty miserable. I would call your OB. They did do some blood work to make sure it wasn’t a liver issue first and then had topical steroids prescribed. Aloe Vera gel and ice packs were the most helpful throughout the day. Also, grandpa’s pine tar soap for showers and cool water, hot made it much worse. I eventually had a Medrol dose pak, oral steroids prescribed. In the end my dr recommended induction at 39 weeks since it’d become really uncomfortable and nothing gave long term relief. It lasted another 3 weeks after delivery �� Good luck to you! Hope you don’t have to go 17 more weeks feeling that way and you find some relief!

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Mine started with a couple tiny bumps on my stomach and I thought absolutely nothing of it. It’s starting to spread on my arms now ���� I’m definitely going to call my OB. I’ve had to take Benadryl all day today and can still feel the itch. Thankfully not as intense ��������

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Definitely call your doctor. I had it with my last pregnancy, and the topical was the only thing that provided any relief.

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Did it look similar to this when it was starting?

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this is NOT PUPPs. PUPP starts on your stomach directly ON your stretch marks. stretch marks become inflamed like welts almost and they are extremely itchy. then it can spread to other Stretch marks on arms legs sometimes chest... PUPP is from excess stretching of the skin... This is NOT what is on your legs.

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Could be heat rash, I would go to a dermatologist. At very least check with your OB to see what medications are safe. When I had heat rash, hydrocortisone cream and Benadryl helped it go away.

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That’s what I thought initially but then it just hasn’t gone away. Plus it’s way to hot to be outside where I live right now so I’ve been kicking it inside 90% of the time so idk how I could’ve gotten one

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Happened to me.. OB said it’s because of the hormones.

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I had PUPPS with my first pregnancy and mine started on my stomach only in my stretch marks and then all across my stomach. Didn’t spread to my arms and legs until after I gave birth. But it didn’t look like that. It was more just red rash all across my stomach and bumps in the stretch marks. SUPER uncomfortable!

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They did start on my stomach on top of my stretch marks like that but it was only a couple spots before spreading to the rest of my body.

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Thank you peoples for all the guidance�������� Calling my OB tomorrow morning just to get some more options for the itchiness besides Benadryl

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I have the rash on my arms now. With my second child I had it bad on my back. I have never really noticed it much on my stretch marks or stomach but it is there slightly. It’s so itchy!!

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I had hives start on my belly and appear on my lower back, mostly concentrated on my belly. Called my OB and she prescribed “brown tail moth” spray to help. Insurance companies don’t necessarily cover it because it’s a compound drug. However, it helped so much with the itching! I was taking multiple showers a day, using hydrocortisone and Benadryl and none of that really touched it.

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