Fake 3D (with tutorial)

everything else has been faked so why not fake 3D :stuck_out_tongue:


really cool

That is pretty cool. Are you going to make a tutorial has to how you achieved the results? This could really save some memory if used for background scenes in animations.

is that just a render with alpha then stick textured on. whatever it is its well done man.

The Tutorial (The Good Bit further down)

First make this nice easy shape and rotate 45

Then to get the camera nice and central. Select the two verts and push Shift-S and click Cursor -> selection. then in front view add a camera.

and drag it out along the y axis until you get a view something like this.

The Good Bit

Find your favorite model or make a new one. Put it inside the shape. and render and save image. using a bright color for the background so you can select it easily. don’t forget lights :stuck_out_tongue:

load the render into something like Gimp. Crop it. erase it.

put each wall into separate layers. change perspective by pressing Shift+p (in gimp)
And end up with this

Uv map it to the Shape and render. you can also click shadeless. and the floor i just used the render as it came out.

damn. im impressed

lol, this is so cool, yet so seemingly pointless

well in a 3D app maybe :stuck_out_tongue:
but i was hoping to print this. until i remembered my printers broke…
which could bring some more interesting results.

I did that before when I wanted glossy reflections before they came out. The only differene was that the reflection was mapped be using the camera not UV cords. Two images are attached with the same scene from different angles. I am also making a 3d button that I’m drawing on a piece of paper.


lol :smiley: ! A virtual reality trompe l’oeil ! Marvelous.